Difference Between WordPress.com and WordPress.Org

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Wordpress.com and WordPress.Org
WordPress.com and WordPress.Org

WordPress is reportedly the most popular website management or blogging system in use on the Web.
WordPress comes in two type WordPress.com and WordPress.Org ,Both are very different from each other but most of beginners are confused with them.


WordPress.com is Blog Hosting service provider. Build a site, no installation required. They will host your site and it comes with different Plans.


WordPress.Org is a Self-Hosted blogging Platform. It is 100% free and open source to start using WordPress.Org you need Domain Name and Hosting for your Blog /Website.


  • In WordPress.com You don’t need to Buy Hosting.
  • It is free but very limited if you want to upgrade the Blog you need to Buy Plan.
  • You can’t use Google Ads on your Blog to earn money.
  • you have to use wordads to start earning.
  • WordPress.com is very limited and your site will be in hands of wordpress.com team if they find anything wrong they  will delete your blog directly /even if you did not follow their rules they will delete your Blog.
  • You will find out lots of templates for your Blog but you don’t have full control on Designing your own theme/template.
  • WordPress.com is easy to use as compare to WordPress.Org (Installation Case only wordpress.com and .org both are easy to use).
  • You will not have to worry about updates or backups. WordPress.com will take care of that.
  • A personal setup session, live chat and email support 24/7/360.


  • In WordPress.Org You have to Buy Hosting and Domain.
  • It is 100% free to use but you need to Buy Hosting and Domain.
  • You can use Google Ads on Your Blog /Media.Net ads etc.
  • In WordPress.Org you have full control no one can delete your blog.
  • You will find out lots of templates on internet for your Blog and you can also create your own template.
  • It is not Easy to you as compare to WordPress.com.
  • You are responsible for backups. Thankfully, there are tons of WordPress backup plugins that let you setup automatic backups.
  • Visit the WordPress.org support forums for assistance.
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