traffic light program in c++
Here you will learn about how to create c++ program for animated traffic light signal, Its very easy to create you just need some knowledge of basic C++ graphics if you don’t have any knowledge of it and wanna to learn them don’t worry we have covered all the topics of c++ graphics you can watch those tutorials. Check C/C++ Graphics Tutorials
Below we have provide you tutorial of animated traffic light signal with the source code.
What functions are used to created this animated program :
If you don’t know any of these functions how they work don’t worry these are covered in are playlist its free to learn from there Check C/C++ Graphics Tutorials
initwindow(800, 800);
rectangle(250, 50, 350, 350);
circle(300, 100, 50);
circle(300, 200, 50);
circle(300, 300, 50);
//creating animation
for(int i =0; i < 10; i++){
setfillstyle(1, RED);
floodfill(300, 100, WHITE);
outtextxy(280, 100, "STOP");
setfillstyle(1, BLACK);
floodfill(300, 100, WHITE);
setfillstyle(1, YELLOW);
floodfill(300, 200, WHITE);
outtextxy(280, 200, "HOLD");
setfillstyle(1, BLACK);
floodfill(300, 200, WHITE);
setfillstyle(1, GREEN);
floodfill(300, 300, WHITE);
outtextxy(280, 300, "GO");
setfillstyle(1, BLACK);
floodfill(300, 300, WHITE);
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