Send Whatsapp Automatic Reply

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Send whatsapp automatic messages to your friends ,family members ,your loves one’s whenever you are busy or can’t give reply that time .

Follow the following steps to send the automatic whatsapp message :-

Step 1 : Download the Application called “What Reply” this application is use to send the whatsapp automatic message to your contact whenever they send you a message.

(this application is available in Playstore)

Download link –
Download Play Store – Play Store

Step 2 : After this install the application and run it. (open it)

Step 3 : Turn ON the button ,then you have 2nd option in which you write the text message which you want to send automatically to your whatsapp contact’s when the send you a message after this 3rd option is for timing select the time (this time is for after how much time will your automatic message will sended to your whatsapp contact when they message you)

Step 4: You can also ENABLE it for whatsapp group’s if you want to do.

Step 5 : All set you are ready just wait for someone who sending you message.
(make sure this will only work when you don’t use the phone if phone is on then it will not work and make sure to turn ON you mobile data or make sure phone /device is connected to the internet)

Watch video how to send whatsapp auto reply if you don’t catch the steps 🙂 or Watch on Youtube

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