Responsive Image Gallery Using CSS

Learn how to create responsive image gallery by using css only, here in this articles i have shared a tutorial video with you guys so you can also learn it easily if you don’t understand the code. Code of the responsive image gallery is provided below, it uses flex box properties so if you are […]
Web Page Design using CSS Flexbox with Code

Learn how to make this design using css flexbox, its very easy to create this one if you know basics of css flexbox. This video can be followed by any beginner or intermediate, code is available. If you don’t know CSS flexbox please check this tutorial – Click Here For Learning more design Check out […]
Difference Between XAMPP and WAMP

The LAMP technology is open sourced and highly secure, while running on a LINUX operating system.
Easy to code with PHP.
Cheap and Ubiquitous hosting.
Seamless integration with linux ,Apache and MySQL to ensure the highest levels of availability for website running on LAMP.
Develop locally.
It is not easy to Install because it requires Commands knowledge to run it.