HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, which is the most widely used language on Web to develop web pages.
HTML was created by Berners-Lee in late 1991 but “HTML 2.0” was the first standard HTML specification which was published in 1995. HTML 4.01 was a major version of HTML and it was published in late 1999. Though HTML 4.01 version is widely used currently we are having HTML-5 version which is an extension to HTML 4.01, and this version was published in 2012.
HTML is a Basic requirement for creating web pages structure, It does’t matter if Google using HTML or Facebook everybody has to use HTML for websites.
Now Days lots of front end frameworks and library’s allow using HTML in very innovative way which reduces the code and enables programmers to do lot of stuff which couldn’t be done by just HTML.
No, HTML is not a programming language. The “M” stands for “Markup”. Generally, a programming language allows you to describe some sort of process of doing something, whereas HTML is a way of adding context and structure to text.
If you’re looking to add more alphabet soup to your CV, don’t classify them at all. Just put them in a big pile called “Technologies” or whatever you like. Remember, however, that anything you list is fair game for a question.
HTML is so common that I’d expect almost any technology person to already know it (although not stuff like CSS and so on) so you might consider not listing every initialism you’ve ever come across. I tend to regard CVs listing too many things as suspicious, so I ask more questions to weed out the stuff that shouldn’t be listed.
However, if your HTML experience includes serious web design stuff including Ajax, JavaScript, and so on, you might talk about those in your “Experience” section.
Definitely you should learn HTML if you wanted to become web developer or wanted to learn web based technologies.
HTML is very easy to learn even if you are a slow learner it will only take 1 week to learn it properly, but the condition is you must be a dedicated person.
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